Brick Sale Deadline quickly approaching!
One of the most scenic, historic and popular parks in San Marcos, Juan Veramendi Plaza is known for its iconic gazebo, the Charles S. Cock House Museum, the Merriman Cabin, the Dr. Gwen K. Smith Fountain, the memorial grove and the beautiful pathway to the Riverwalk.
Those who have enjoyed the park through the years can now claim and personalize their own small piece of the Fountain Plaza area by purchasing an engraved brick. Proceeds will be used to fund improvements to Veramendi Plaza Park, including repairs to the newly restored gazebo.
Click Here For The Order Form.
One of the most scenic, historic and popular parks in San Marcos, Juan Veramendi Plaza is known for its iconic gazebo, the Charles S. Cock House Museum, the Merriman Cabin, the Dr. Gwen K. Smith Fountain, the memorial grove and the beautiful pathway to the Riverwalk.
Those who have enjoyed the park through the years can now claim and personalize their own small piece of the Fountain Plaza area by purchasing an engraved brick. Proceeds will be used to fund improvements to Veramendi Plaza Park, including repairs to the newly restored gazebo.
Click Here For The Order Form.
Upcoming EventsFEBRUARY 19 - Communications Committee MARCH 1 - Arbor Day Dedication * 5pm * Veramendi Park Plaza 2 - First Saturday Heritage San Marcos & Texas Independence Day 4 - Guild Meeting 5 - Public Program on General Burleson Home Site at the San Marcos Public Library Riverwalk Committee 11 - Board of Directors Meeting 18 - Communications Committee Cottage Kitchen Friday Luncheons The wonderful old building known today as the Charles S. Cock House Museum takes on an entirely different purpose every Friday. On Fridays this grand little house hosts the Cottage Kitchen. From 11:00 A. M. until 1:00 P.M. lunch is served by one of many different businesses and volunteer organizations. If you have never been, do so, you are in for a real treat! | Help Wanted* Two assistants needed to help with Oral History projects: Oral History Interview Coordinator and Oral History Videographer (equipment will be provided) * Docents for First Saturday Heritage San Marcos are needed to educate visitors on the history of the Charles S. Cock House and Merriman Cabin. Materials are provided. Tours are given from 10-2pm on the first Saturdays of the month. * Members to serve on fund-raising committee (we need some practical yet creative ideas for raising funds!) * Members to serve on a planning committee for a Children's Day at the Charles S. Cock House Museum |

Burleson Homestead Project, sponsored by the Daughters of the Republic of Texas, continues. Event to be held on March 5th
The Moon-McGehee Chapter of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas would like to demonstrate public support for the historical significance of the Gen. Edward Burleson homestead, currently owned by Texas State University and located on the former site of Aquarena Springs Resort. Heritage Association members can join in this effort by entering comments and expressions of support on the "You Can Help" page of their website. The form is easy to complete--just enter your name, email and comments and hit Submit! If you have any questions, contact Phyllis Klein at [email protected]. Also, mark your calendars for March 5th when the DRT will be hosting a public program on the Home Site at the San Marcos Public Library.
The Moon-McGehee Chapter of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas would like to demonstrate public support for the historical significance of the Gen. Edward Burleson homestead, currently owned by Texas State University and located on the former site of Aquarena Springs Resort. Heritage Association members can join in this effort by entering comments and expressions of support on the "You Can Help" page of their website. The form is easy to complete--just enter your name, email and comments and hit Submit! If you have any questions, contact Phyllis Klein at [email protected]. Also, mark your calendars for March 5th when the DRT will be hosting a public program on the Home Site at the San Marcos Public Library.