Heritage Association Committees
- Annual Membership Meeting: This committee shall plan and carry out the annual membership meeting and awards dinner.
- Benevolence: The benevolence committee shall take note of deaths of Association members and make recommendations to the board as to action that may be needed such as flowers and/or memorials.
- Communications: The Communications Committee shall be responsible for publicizing the meetings and activities of the Association through various channels such as news media, the website, and other Internet options as available.
- Finance: The Finance Committee shall be responsible for establishing a yearly budget to facilitate the work of the various committees and to estimate the yearly income of the Association from dues, gifts, projects and other sources.
- Guild: The Heritage Guild shall coordinate the work of volunteers for certain ongoing projects of the Association. These include but are not limited to the following: Cottage Kitchen Luncheons and Special Events at the Charles S. Cock House.
- Heritage Home Tour: The Heritage Home Tours Committee shall oversee all functional committees for the annual May tour.
- Landmark Awards: The Landmarks Awards will be the responsibility of the Past Presidents Advisory Council. The Landmark Awards recognizes the preservation of buildings, markers, historical sites, etc., as provided for in Article IV of the Articles of Incorporation of The Heritage Association. It shall annually select up to four (4) residential or commercial building(s) at least seventy-five (75) years old worthy of citation for preservation projects completed during the past three years.
- Membership & Recruiting: The Membership and Recruitment Committee shall be responsible for securing renewals, recruiting new members of the Association and conducting the annual membership drive.
- Merriman Cabin Museum: This committee will acquire items for the Cabin Museum such as documents, mementos, furnishings, etc. and coordinate educational projects and tours of the Merriman Cabin Museum.
- Preservation Advocacy Committee: This committee shall consider preservation issues that may come before the Board. The committee will make recommendations as to policies, directives, and community involvement on preservation issues.
- Riverwalk Park: This committee continues the legacy of the San Marcos River Beautification Corporation to bring about beauty along the river in coordination with the City and the Parks and Recreation Department. The committee perpetuates the Riverwalk, the Memorial Grove and improvements to Juan Veramendi Plaza; monitors additional improvements to the grounds around the Charles S. Cock House Museum and the Merriman Cabin Museum; plans and carries out Memorial Grove Planting/Arbor Day Celebrations and the Association Award of Honor; and coordinates with the City for landscaping additions (trees, flower beds, etc.) within the park and along the Riverwalk.
- Structure, Function & Bylaws: This committee shall ensure that the by-laws are complied with and shall review the by-laws annually and make recommendations for change.
- Yearbook: This committee shall collect the calendar of events, dates of meetings and activities from officers and committee chairs for the ensuing year for inclusion in the yearbook.