Few of us can resist the aroma of fresh bread. Make plans to attend a demonstration by Joyce Kidd on BREAD MAKING, the first in a series of food presentations, offered by the Heritage Association of San Marcos Guild.
The event will take place on Saturday, September 29th from 9:00AM to 11:30AM at the Cock House Museum located at 400 E. Hopkins St. Cost for the event is $12.00. Space is limited.
Contact Diane at 512-618-2890 to reserve your seat today.
Joyce will show us an easy method of preparing artisan bread. She will also share with
us one of her favorite cake bread recipes. After the bake, we will take a taste. Coffee, tea,
and water will be provided. Guests will receive recipe instructions to take home.
Joyce Kidd is well known by many San Marcos residents for her pastries and desserts.
She first served her delectable food at an elegant Christmas dinner for the Heritage
Association. She opened the Tea Room at the Antique Outlet Center and after a short
“retirement” reopened the Tea Room at the Price Senior Center. Joyce has officially
retired, but remarked “I don’t believe anyone in San Marcos enjoys baking more than I