Heritage Association History
In 2015, Heritage celebrated its 40th year of existence with a “Paint the Town Red” theme at the annual membership dinner and awards program. The ruby anniversary event was held at Dick’s Classic Car Garage Museum and members wore the color of the evening in recognition of this Heritage milestone. Earlier in the year, the Heritage Guild welcomed a lovely new sign at the Charles S. Cock House Museum. In May, the Tour of Homes showcased eight distinct properties, including “Manors, Mancaves, Meadows & a Pigsty.” A highlight of the tour weekend was a Heritage Concert with the Texas Jamm Band, featuring members of George Strait’s Ace in the Hole Band, at the Marc Theatre. The Marc was also the venue in June for the second “Social and Cinema on the Square,” where those attending watched the Hays County Historical Commission’s documentary about Gen. Edward Burleson and enjoyed cobbler at the courthouse. To close the year, members shared a potluck dinner at San Marcos Academy and watched a video of oral history interview highlights.
After painting the town red in 2015, Heritage went green in 2016, offering the “Ecological Inspirations and Great Green Features” home tour, the second installment in a three-year “Homes Through the Ages” trilogy. The oral history committee celebrated downtown San Marcos in their “Memories of the Square” documentary video, which featured interviews with 13 long-time residents. The video premiere at the Price Seniors Center in April was a standing-room only event. The City Cemetery Tales and Tours for 2016 was unfortunately canceled due to scheduling conflicts, but Heritage worked instead to bring more visitors to Veramendi Park by opening the Merriman Cabin two days each month instead of just one and by holding the “Sundaes in the Park” membership event at the Charles S. Cock House Museum.
“The Magic of Interior Design” Home Tour in 2017 netted close to $16,000, a truly magical and record sum. With proceeds from the previous two tours in the trilogy, about $36,000 was set aside for the “talking houses” project that will enhance significant historic district homes. In May, the Association received the Rogers Family Tourism Lifetime Achievement Award from the San Marcos Convention and Visitor Bureau, and in July, HASM was named the Heritage Honoree for the 2017 SMTX Mermaid Splash. The City Cemetery Tales & Tours enjoyed a record turnout and beautiful, sunny weather in October.
After painting the town red in 2015, Heritage went green in 2016, offering the “Ecological Inspirations and Great Green Features” home tour, the second installment in a three-year “Homes Through the Ages” trilogy. The oral history committee celebrated downtown San Marcos in their “Memories of the Square” documentary video, which featured interviews with 13 long-time residents. The video premiere at the Price Seniors Center in April was a standing-room only event. The City Cemetery Tales and Tours for 2016 was unfortunately canceled due to scheduling conflicts, but Heritage worked instead to bring more visitors to Veramendi Park by opening the Merriman Cabin two days each month instead of just one and by holding the “Sundaes in the Park” membership event at the Charles S. Cock House Museum.
“The Magic of Interior Design” Home Tour in 2017 netted close to $16,000, a truly magical and record sum. With proceeds from the previous two tours in the trilogy, about $36,000 was set aside for the “talking houses” project that will enhance significant historic district homes. In May, the Association received the Rogers Family Tourism Lifetime Achievement Award from the San Marcos Convention and Visitor Bureau, and in July, HASM was named the Heritage Honoree for the 2017 SMTX Mermaid Splash. The City Cemetery Tales & Tours enjoyed a record turnout and beautiful, sunny weather in October.