Heritage Association History
In 1998, the Association completely refurbished the gazebo in Juan Veramendi Plaza, and additional repairs were made to the Cock House Museum. This year also saw the beginning of the Men's Bar-B-Q and Pumpkin Patch event. The annual meeting of the Association began the tradition of recognizing outstanding community and association Volunteers of the Year.
In 1999, repairs to the windows and porch of the Cock House Museum were completed. Additional markers were placed along the Riverwalk to celebrate its anniversary. Substantial contributions were made to the Jack Hays Law Enforcement Museum and the LBJ Museum.
In 2000, the Association entered into a contract with Southwest Texas State University to accept the Dr. Eli T. Merriman Cabin (c. l846) as a museum. A two-year project began to move the cabin and rehabilitate it as a replica of the original. A last-minute gift from the McCoy Foundation of $20,000 helped make this a reality.
The San Marcos Volunteer Fire Bell was strategically placed in front of the San Marcos City Hall as tribute to the firemen of early San Marcos. The Association was very instrumental in this permanent display of our heritage. Covered dish suppers were begun this year, where speakers regaled us with their childhood exploits in San Marcos. The Association contributed to the Jack C. Hays statue at the Courthouse and a watershed display at the City of San Marcos Green House Interpretive Center. Additionally, a permanent display of artifacts was set up at the Tanger Mall Visitor Center. A website was also introduced this year. Additional repairs to the Charles S. Cock House Museum and improvements to the Juan Veramendi Park were completed as well. A set of sterling silver flatware was donated to the Association for use at the Cottage Kitchen. The Association Tree of Honor was dedicated to former Heritage President and first woman Mayor of San Marcos, Dr. Emmie Craddock. Additional names may be added each year for deceased members who made outstanding contributions to the Association. Continuing events included the Chocolate Covered Strawberry Valentine’s Day event, the Men's Bar-B-Q, the Millennium Spring Tour of Distinction, Cottage Kitchen Luncheons and the Holiday Home Tour.
Site selection and restoration of the Merriman Cabin continued in 2001. Additionally, the “Adopt a Garden” program at Crook Park was begun with Heritage participation. The tradition of planting a tree in the Memorial Grove for a deceased worthy citizen of San Marcos continued and was conducted by the Riverwalk/Park Beautification Committee on Arbor Day. Many members of the Heritage Association were involved in the Sesquicentennial Celebration of San Marcos that included a cemetery walk through three local cemeteries. In 2002, for the second year, Heritage joined the Bluebonnet Lions Club to co-sponsor the Pumpkin Patch next to the Merriman Cabin. In December, the cabin was open for Sights and Sounds of Christmas. Heritage crafts such as quilt-making and butter churning were demonstrated inside, while rope making, corn shelling and more took place on the park grounds.
In 1999, repairs to the windows and porch of the Cock House Museum were completed. Additional markers were placed along the Riverwalk to celebrate its anniversary. Substantial contributions were made to the Jack Hays Law Enforcement Museum and the LBJ Museum.
In 2000, the Association entered into a contract with Southwest Texas State University to accept the Dr. Eli T. Merriman Cabin (c. l846) as a museum. A two-year project began to move the cabin and rehabilitate it as a replica of the original. A last-minute gift from the McCoy Foundation of $20,000 helped make this a reality.
The San Marcos Volunteer Fire Bell was strategically placed in front of the San Marcos City Hall as tribute to the firemen of early San Marcos. The Association was very instrumental in this permanent display of our heritage. Covered dish suppers were begun this year, where speakers regaled us with their childhood exploits in San Marcos. The Association contributed to the Jack C. Hays statue at the Courthouse and a watershed display at the City of San Marcos Green House Interpretive Center. Additionally, a permanent display of artifacts was set up at the Tanger Mall Visitor Center. A website was also introduced this year. Additional repairs to the Charles S. Cock House Museum and improvements to the Juan Veramendi Park were completed as well. A set of sterling silver flatware was donated to the Association for use at the Cottage Kitchen. The Association Tree of Honor was dedicated to former Heritage President and first woman Mayor of San Marcos, Dr. Emmie Craddock. Additional names may be added each year for deceased members who made outstanding contributions to the Association. Continuing events included the Chocolate Covered Strawberry Valentine’s Day event, the Men's Bar-B-Q, the Millennium Spring Tour of Distinction, Cottage Kitchen Luncheons and the Holiday Home Tour.
Site selection and restoration of the Merriman Cabin continued in 2001. Additionally, the “Adopt a Garden” program at Crook Park was begun with Heritage participation. The tradition of planting a tree in the Memorial Grove for a deceased worthy citizen of San Marcos continued and was conducted by the Riverwalk/Park Beautification Committee on Arbor Day. Many members of the Heritage Association were involved in the Sesquicentennial Celebration of San Marcos that included a cemetery walk through three local cemeteries. In 2002, for the second year, Heritage joined the Bluebonnet Lions Club to co-sponsor the Pumpkin Patch next to the Merriman Cabin. In December, the cabin was open for Sights and Sounds of Christmas. Heritage crafts such as quilt-making and butter churning were demonstrated inside, while rope making, corn shelling and more took place on the park grounds.