- Reviewed drafted E-Newsletter. Info about brick sale and Arbor day added.
- Info being gathered by Shelley on Home Tour regarding sponsorship.
- Decided to move forward with a production of print material including rack card and business card. Goal is for to be complete by April 1st and to include info such as: website, email, phone number (with verbaige "call and leave a message"), mission statement, Home Tour, Cottage Kitchen Friday Luncheons, Events, and Call for memberships.
- Jane is working on getting 5 speaking opportunities for Comm Team to speak about upcoming events and the Association.
- Post on Facebook to highlight running total of lunches served at Cottage Kitchen Fri Luncheons and Email to be drafted to encourage members to puchase bricks.
- Website and social media training for Comm Team to be held Wednesday, March 6th at 5:30pm. Location TBD.
- Info being gathered by Shelley on Home Tour regarding sponsorship.
- Decided to move forward with a production of print material including rack card and business card. Goal is for to be complete by April 1st and to include info such as: website, email, phone number (with verbaige "call and leave a message"), mission statement, Home Tour, Cottage Kitchen Friday Luncheons, Events, and Call for memberships.
- Jane is working on getting 5 speaking opportunities for Comm Team to speak about upcoming events and the Association.
- Post on Facebook to highlight running total of lunches served at Cottage Kitchen Fri Luncheons and Email to be drafted to encourage members to puchase bricks.
- Website and social media training for Comm Team to be held Wednesday, March 6th at 5:30pm. Location TBD.
Plan for upcoming events
-Arbor Day
Brainstorm about