The 45th Annual Heritage Tour
April 30 – May 1, 2021
Rebuild the Heart of Downtown
From Possibility to Opportunity
Friday, April 30th will be an all-day networking symposium with speakers (continuing education credits offered). Saturday and Sunday, May 1 & 2 will be a tour of commercial properties-at-risk “diamonds in the rough” with stories of families who laid the foundations and built downtown San Marcos.
Small towns all over Texas need help to restore and rebuild their downtown community. Times are a changin’ so watch for updates as we progress with powerful building blocks and incentives to move this town’s architectural assets from Possibility to Opportunity.
Traditionally Heritage has held its annual meeting in the fall, providing an opportunity for the membership to visit and enjoy each other, and to vote upon the following year’s slate of officers. This year the vote will instead be held by mail, hopefully followed in December with a holiday party. Almost to a person, this year’s board has agreed to stay over for the year 2021, to complete the work we were all anticipating when the shutdown started in March.
Watch for an upcoming membership mailing, and your ballot. Please return your 2021 membership application the minute you get it? In the absence of Cottage Kitchen luncheons and a cancelled home tour, retaining every single one of our members is critical to getting HASM through this historic time. Thanks to the following 2020 board members, with the 2021 positions which they have agreed to fill. Nominations from the “floor” are always welcome. If you have any, again, please email [email protected] so we can properly incorporate them into the voting process. And be thinking about any nominations for 2020 Member of the Year and Community Volunteer of the Year.
President: Linda Coker
President-Elect: Debbie Austin
Secretary: To be announced
Treasurer: Michele Breihan
Riverwalk chair: Sue Cobb
Guild chair: Sherry Baebler
Membership chair: Renee Graham
Home Tour chair: Linda Jalufka
Communications: Cathy Dillon
Historian/archivist: Ellie Stewart
Merriman Cabin chair: Marlene Silcocks
Term expires 2021: Wayne Kraemer
Term expires 2021: Amy Meeks
Term expires 2022: Diana Baker
Term expires 2022: Russ Clark
Past President: Gary Germer
Lifetime Director: Kent Cox
PS: we are looking for a detail-oriented HASM member available one Monday noon per month, to fill the role of board secretary. We promise luncheon friends, free chocolates, job satisfaction, interesting new pursuits, and a job that really matters. We also need computer and social media-savvy committee members, as well as an apprentice treasurer. Can you help? email [email protected]. Let’s talk!
PPS: We assume everyone in our current membership is here because you believe in the HASM mission. It is printed in the back of all yearbooks, though below is a blurry replica of this 1975 document. If you want this town’s customs, traditions, and architecture to survive and thrive, please consider inviting others to join? If everyone recruited JUST ONE new family unit, our strength would grow fast! Got new neighbors? Know anyone who wants new friends and purpose? Know anyone redoing a historic property? Email [email protected] so we can connect them with the membership crew.
Heritage traditionally holds two remembrance celebrations every spring, honoring outstanding members recently lost to this world. This year, the first one (Arbor Day) honoring Patty Sherrill Sullivan, took place in lovely fashion right before the shutdown occurred. But the second one (the Tree of Honor) had to be postponed indefinitely. Honorees were slated to be Phyllis Whittaker, Jerry Sebek, and Charles Blue. It will still happen, the committee just isn’t sure when, and meanwhile, be sure to congratulate honoree’s families if you get the chance.
Veramendi Plaza is celebrating its own reopening by looking beautiful right now, with lots of blooms. Founder Frances Stovall’s garden alone, is worth going down for a stroll! Thankfully, on July 4 the city allowed the fences to be rearranged so that the always-anticipated flag display could take place.
-Since many homes in the Spring Lake are over 50 years old, the area already qualifies as an historic district. Who knew?
-Cities all over this country have recently suffered catastrophic damage to their historic downtowns, and their communal life. Let’s all pray for their irreplaceable losses, and work toward continued peace and beauty here at home in San Marcos.
-Remember Heritage in your estate planning. What better way to help impact the future of our favorite town?
-44 First Floors: the 2021 spring tour is going to be very different, and so appropriate! Taking place all over the downtown, in some of the existing 44 vacant and restoration-eligible first floors, it will feature stories and photos about the families associated with the buildings and how they evolved over the years. Wear your masks and stand back if that’s still necessary in 6 months, but don’t miss this great chance to come learn about the history of San Marcos!
Your communications crew
Cathy Dillon, editor 512-787-6294